Cindy B: Improved Wellness
A good friend told me about Catherine Waller and her functional medicine approach to healing. I was dealing with a lot of issues but my main reason for becoming a patient was Dr. Waller’s reputation with hormone issues. I have a genetically inherited systemic disease that messes up ALL hormone levels and functions which has widespread effects all over the body. I was concerned about the expense and I was not familiar with functional medicine but I had had little or no successful treatment from other doctors, so based on my friend’s recommendation I decided to give Dr. Waller a try. [Read more]
Jule D: Chronic Fatigue

I came to Waller Wellness Center about two years ago. My main issue was that I was tired all the time and had no energy. But after working with Dr. Waller and Mary, I have my energy back. At the age of 62 I just returned from a once in a life time 10 day moose hunt in Newfoundland, Canada. The days were long and grueling on a very rough terrain. Our [Read more]
Tanya K: Increased Wellness

I started my journey with the Waller Wellness Center late 2013. I had seemed to be falling apart in the prime of my life and traditional doctors dismissed my concerns or just couldn’t help me. That is when my sister turned me on to functional medicine. After researching a handful of practices, we felt like the Waller Wellness center was the best fit for me. I had a variety of symptoms, but the worst of it was excessive tiredness, weight gain, panic attacks, hot flashes and just overall felt miserable most days. [Read more]
Rhonda H: Improved Wellness

My journey to Waller Wellness was long, frustrating and tumultuous! I was sick for almost a decade. As I was approaching my 40’s, I began gaining weight inexplicably; feeling exceptionally exhausted and having debilitating joint pain. There were many days that I would sleep for over 15 hours and still be utterly exhausted. Getting out of bed was a fight. I only did it because I was a single mother of a special needs child and I had to go to work. When I eventually was able to get out of bed, the pain was almost unbearable. [Read more]
Stephanie V: Improved Wellness
I want to take this opportunity to thank you and your center for giving me my life back. As we all know, life is full of highs and lows. I don’t believe I could have gotten any lower, my health failing, massive depression, poor eating habits, and back pain that was crippling. My next step was to grab another drink and close the door. [Read more]
Renee: Hashimoto’s Syndrome
Firstly, you can’t put a price on health. Secondly, insurance companies try to make money off your bad health. Thirdly, Dr. Waller’s wellness center is the only Dr’s office I’ve gone where I felt the cost for getting better was worth paying for it because I actually got better. [Read more]
Erin Geyer: High Cholesterol
7 months ago I went to the Waller Wellness Center looking for a way to lower my cholesterol, naturally. I had many other health issues that other doctors had missed or tested me for but never told me about. With the Waller Wellness Center my cholesterol has dropped 120 points in the past 5 months & I have lost 40 pounds in the past 4 months. [Read more]
Jenny Smolinski: Lou Gehrig’s Disease
I am a 36 year old wife, mother, daughter, sister and friend. Last year, after experiencing some troubling symptoms for the previous year and a half, I was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or ALS. It is also commonly known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. It causes eventual paralysis, including breathing and swallowing muscles. There is no known cause, and no known cure. The usual life expectancy is 2-5 years from diagnosis. [Read more]
Shannon Niedzinski: Chronic Fatigue
I went from doctor to doctor, trying to find out what was wrong with me. I was told everything from, “it is all in your head,” to “you are no spring chicken.” (I was 34 at the time.) I finally found a doctor who diagnosed me with prolonged Epstein Barr, otherwise known to some as chronic fatigue. I spent the first year and a half after my diagnosis on very strong medication prescribed by that doctor. That type of medication may work for some, but it wreaked havoc on my body and I wound up in the hospital after I had a toxic reaction to it. Because of the horrible side effects, I lost 30 pounds (I was already slender) and my gut was in bad shape. [Read more]
Elizabeth Bensch: Hashimoto’s Thyroid Disease
I got a lot more than I bargained for when I attended one of Dr. Waller’s Hormone Seminars several years ago. I was seeking assistance in navigating Menopause. I became a patient for that purpose (with good results), but Dr. Waller paid attention to some other vague symptoms I was having. I had numb toes, and vibration feelings in my legs and feet as well as headaches, brain fog and fatigue. [Read more]